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Types Of Marijuana Topicals


Types Of Marijuana Topicals

People have been using cannabis-infused balms for pain relief and skin care for many years. If you ask around, you’re likely to know someone who swears by their effectiveness.
Although there is not a great deal of evidence to support these claims, this does not mean that there is no proof at all.
Cannabis-infused oils, creams, and balms have been shown to be effective in treating localized pain, such as sore muscles, arthritic joints, and nerve pain. Additionally, early studies suggest that cannabis topicals can also be used to treat acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
CBD appears to have a primarily immunosuppressive effect, according to Dr. Andrew Kerklaan, DC. Dr. Kerklaan is a Montreal-based chiropractor who has only recently begun to study the endocannabinoid system, but has already launched a CBD topicals line that has gained attention from major media outlets like Vogue, Allure, and goop.
Although the benefits of CBD are becoming more understood, the role of THC in topicals is still somewhat of a mystery.
CBD has a strong affinity for the cannabinoid receptors in our skin, which helps to modulate our immune response and reduce inflammation.
CBD’s benefits are becoming more understood, while THC’s role in topicals is still somewhat of a mystery.
According to Dr. Kerklaan, THC is a strong painkiller that can offer relief from various types of pain. He also notes that THC has anti-itch properties and can be useful in a topical cream or ointment.
Dr. Kerklaan cites the entourage effect to explain how CBD, THC, and the terpenes from each strain work together to create a more potent therapeutic effect.
It can be difficult for consumers to discern real benefits from perceived ones when robust data sets are not available.
Cannabis topicals are generally safe and unlikely to cause harm, unless you are allergic to cannabis. Look for legal and regulated products that contain good-quality secondary ingredients. Even if the product doesn’t cure all your skin problems, it is still likely to be a decent product.
CB2 agonists are the second most common type of topical and work by binding to the body’s CB2 receptors. These receptors are found in the immune system and throughout the body. CB2 agonists are effective in treating conditions like inflammation and pain. Endocannabinoid-modulating topicals are the third type of topical and work by modulating the body’s endocannabinoid system. These topicals are effective in treating a variety of conditions, including pain, inflammation, anxiety, and seizures. Topicals work by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for maintaining homeostasis. There are three main types of topicals: CB1 agonists, CB2 agonists, and endocannabinoid-modulating topicals. CB1 agonists are the most common type of topical and work by binding to the body’s CB1 receptors. These receptors are found in the brain and throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems. CB1 agonists are effective in treating conditions like pain, inflammation, and anxiety.


Our selection of beauty products includes everything you need to nourish and pamper your skin, from head to toe. Choose from luxurious serums and face creams, to hydrating body lotions and nourishing lip balms. Indulge in a little self-care and enjoy feeling your best.
The beauty industry has been increasingly touting the benefits of cannabis and CBD for skincare, but there is still lack of clarity on how exactly it works.
CBD may improve the appearance of skin by reducing excess sebum production, acting as an anti-inflammatory, and protecting complexions from signs of aging and redness. Some pre-clinical trials have even suggested that cannabinoids may have a positive effect on psoriasis, allergic skin reactions, and potentially even skin cancer.

Bath soaks and bath bombs

Bath Soaks and bath bombs are a luxurious and relaxing way to pamper yourself. They make a great gift for someone special, or a lovely way to treat yourself.
Taking a long soak in warm water to relieve sore muscles or relax after a stressful day is not a new concept. However, adding derivatives from the cannabis plant to the water is a new idea for many mainstream Canadian consumers.
Cannabis-infused bath bombs and soaks are just like your regular bath bombs and soaks, but with CBD and/or THC as the key ingredients. This makes them great for relieving pain, inflammation, and stress.
Although adding cannabis to these formulas is likely to increase the price, it is difficult to say if it will offer any benefits. People who use these bath bombs and soaks report relief from menstrual cramps, radiating pain, and muscle soreness after exercise.
When you use an infused bath product, your exposure to each cannabis ingredient is higher. This could potentially lead to some psychoactive effects.
Dr. Kerklaan believes that THC does not penetrate the skin well because it is a large molecule.
CBD can help with localized pain by interacting with cannabinoid receptors in the skin, while THC would need to get into the bloodstream to reach the brain and produce any psychoactive effect.
It is important to note that this process does not work with transdermal patches, which contain ingredients that help draw THC into the bloodstream and can cause a person to get high.

Salves, roller balls, balms

Cannabis topicals have shown some promise in alleviating localized pain, and salves and balms are highly concentrated forms of these. Although proper dosing for topicals is yet to be determined, roller balls have the added benefit of providing a slight massage along with the application.
Although the research on CBD’s potential to help with joint pain and muscle aches is still in its early stages, Dr. Kerklaan is confident enough in the preliminary trials to build a brand around it.
CBD has the potential to relieve muscle tension, inflammation and pain, all of which are common complaints among humans. This makes it a valuable natural remedy worth considering.
“It’s kind of a touchy issue due to the lack of specific statements due to the lack of research at the moment,” he says. “But your endocannabinoid system is heavily involved in pain perception, pain response, and inflammation… I would like to point out that, as humans, we are likely to complain about three things: we will complain about muscle tension, inflammation, and musculoskeletal pain. motor point of view. And CBD has the ability to influence these three factors.”
CBD topicals can help alleviate localized pain by interacting with cannabinoid receptors in the skin. This can help to change our pain response overall.
CBD does not necessarily need to be absorbed deep into the skin to have an impact on pain or inflammation. Topical application can still be effective.
Dr. Kerklaan’s line of natural, plant-based topicals are perfect for everyday pain relief, like muscle soreness from exercise or minor aches and pains. But if you’re in extreme pain, he suggests talking to a physician about combining a topical with an ingestible cannabis product for added relief.


While cannabis has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries, and preliminary data suggests it may heighten sexual experiences, the benefits of using cannabis-infused lubricant are still debated.
Cannabis-infused lubricants have been claimed to add to the sensation of sexual play, while relaxing muscles and reducing pain. THC is a vasodilator, so it is reasonable to think that a THC-based lubricant could also increase blood flow to the genital area, heightening sensations.
CBD can help reduce inflammation and pain, making it a useful option for women who experience discomfort during sex or dryness. Angela Mustone, founder of High On Love, offers CBD- and THC-infused lubricants to help address these issues.
Mustone’s claim that CBD will not impact orgasms the way THC can is elegant and persuasive. She says that THC in the bloodstream can increase orgasm intensity, but more clinical trials are needed to confirm this claim.


If you are interested in cannabis and THC products, check out West Coast Releaf online dispensary at!

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